SharpeAero's In-Flight Notes 2.0 iPad & kneeboard template is perfect for taking the everyday notes required during flight. It includes sections for:
- Desired departure details
- ATIS / weather information
- Clearances & other notes
- Time remaining until the next maintenance event
- Available fuel
- Time up, time down, hobbs start and hobbs stop
- Diversion checklist (HAADTOO) [details found in our Flight Training (Revised) book]
- 6 T's as a navigation reminder [details found in our Flight Training (Revised) book]
You will receive two versions of the template, one designed for an iPad/tablet, and the other designed to print for use with a physical kneeboard. When printing for use with a physical kneeboard, two copies of the template fits on one 8.5x11 sheet of paper.
After purchase, you will be emailed a link to download a .zip file containing the .pdf templates.
Purchased .pdf's do not have any watermarks.
NOTE: Use of this template is restricted to the purchaser.