iPad & Kneeboard Templates Package 2.0
iPad & Kneeboard Templates Package 2.0
iPad & Kneeboard Templates Package 2.0
iPad & Kneeboard Templates Package 2.0
iPad & Kneeboard Templates Package 2.0
iPad & Kneeboard Templates Package 2.0
iPad & Kneeboard Templates Package 2.0
iPad & Kneeboard Templates Package 2.0
iPad & Kneeboard Templates Package 2.0
iPad & Kneeboard Templates Package 2.0
iPad & Kneeboard Templates Package 2.0
iPad & Kneeboard Templates Package 2.0
iPad & Kneeboard Templates Package 2.0
iPad & Kneeboard Templates Package 2.0
iPad & Kneeboard Templates Package 2.0
iPad & Kneeboard Templates Package 2.0
iPad & Kneeboard Templates Package 2.0

iPad & Kneeboard Templates Package 2.0

Regular price $15.00 Sale price $10.00

-170 in stock


Get the best value when you purchase SharpeAero's complete iPad & Kneeboard Templates Package 2.0, including the following iPad & kneeboard templates:

  • VFR Flight Log 2.0
  • Aircraft One-Pager 2.0
  • In-Flight Notes 2.0
  • Frequency Chart 2.0

    All of our templates are made for pilots, by pilots.


    After purchase, you will be emailed a link to download a .zip file containing the .pdf templates.

    Purchased .pdf's do not have any watermarks.

    NOTE: Use of the templates in this package is restricted to the purchaser.


    VFR Flight Log 2.0

    Our VFR Flight Log 2.0 iPad & kneeboard template was designed for pilots, by pilots. At SharpeAero, we deeply value a design process that starts with understanding who we are designing for. That's why we are confident it will be the best VFR cross country planning and in-flight template you can find.

    • When folded and secured in a kneeboard, you’ll notice the airport section on the backside is upside-down. But, flip the template up to see the backside, and it’s the right side up. It’s all in the details, people!

    • Pre-flight planning section for: routing, navigation, altitudes & elevations, performance calculations, fuel calculations & analysis, weight & balance, crosswind calculations, and flight plan & flight school ETAs

    • Tables to track in-flight leg progress including: set heading point magnetic & compass headings, en-route magnetic & compass headings, calculated performance information (altitude, power setting, airspeeds), and fields to update ETEs and ETAs at checkpoints (time over, time from set heading point, distance from set heading point, ground speed, distance remaining, estimated time en-route, estimated time of arrival, revised heading)

      • NOTE: grey boxes can be pre-filled prior to flight

    • Frequency chart for departure, en-route and destination aerodromes

    • Airport section for relevant information during departure and arrival (airport name/identifier, airport diagram, elevation, circuit altitude, expected runway and length, expected winds and crosswind component, takeoff and landing distances, and a section for additional notes [procedures, NOTAMs, etc.])

    • The template is designed to fit perfectly in a kneeboard when folded in half

    Aircraft One-Pager 2.0

    SharpeAero's Aircraft One-Pager 2.0 iPad & kneeboard template is a perfect companion to your daily flying. With it, you will have all the information needed for daily flying at a quick glance:

    • Various take-off, landing, operational and emergency airspeeds/power settings

    • Information on fuel, oil, weight and other aircraft limitations and details

    You will receive two versions of the template, one designed for an iPad/tablet, and the other designed to print for use with a physical kneeboard. When printing for use with a physical kneeboard, two copies of the template fits on one 8.5x11 sheet of paper.

    In-Flight Notes 2.0

    SharpeAero's In-Flight Notes 2.0 iPad & kneeboard template is perfect for taking the everyday notes required during flight. It includes sections for:

    • Desired departure details
    • ATIS / weather information
    • Clearances & other notes
    • Time remaining until the next maintenance event
    • Available fuel
    • Time up, time down, hobbs start, hobbs stop
    • Diversion checklist (HAADTOO)
    • 6 Ts as a navigation reminder

    You will receive two versions of the template, one designed for an iPad/tablet, and the other designed to print for use with a physical kneeboard. When printing for use with a physical kneeboard, two copies of the template fits on one 8.5x11 sheet of paper.

    Frequency Chart 2.0

    SharpeAero's Frequency Chart 2.0 iPad & kneeboard template ensures you always have quick access to the local frequencies around your home airport that you use most often, or use it for long-distance cross countries where you need to keep track of many frequencies en route. Add airport names/codes to the left column, and their respective frequencies in the body of the chart.

    You will receive two versions of the template, one designed for an iPad/tablet, and the other designed to print for use with a physical kneeboard. When printing for use with a physical kneeboard, two copies of the template fits on one 8.5x11 sheet of paper.